Friday, September 17, 2010

Murder and Old Magazines

Sorry, once again there are no pictures of my room. I am still not fully unpacked yet, due to a very inconvenient cold that has caused me to spend the last few days in bed.

Instead, I thought I would post some great jewelery I have been eyeing on Etsy, in honour of Agatha Christie's (belated) birthday. It is all from this lovely shop. I would love one of the charm bracelets, but unfortunately I have to save for silly things like food and textbooks :(


METHODS OF MURDER Mystery Charm Bracelet

AGATHA CHRISTIE Mystery Quote Typewriter Pin
Mystery Theme Charm Set No 2 (Ok this one leans more towards Sherlock Holmes but I just had to include it. It has Jeremy Brett on it! <3)>

In completely unrelated news, I have just discovered that the Jalou Archives have digitalized copies of L'Officiel de la Mode, dating all the way back to 1921 on their website. I highly suggest you go check it out. You can view them all online for free here.

So far I have only had time to browse through the ones from the 1930's, but they are quite lovely. Unfortunally, despite 5 years of French classes, my French remains quite rudeamentary so I can't actually read them. Luckily the pictures are so pretty that you don't need to be able to read french to enjoy them. Here is a sample page:

That's All.

1 comment:

  1. oh, yeah, you're a girl after my own heart. Christie + L'Officiel = my heaven!!!!!!!


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